What is the first thought we observe when we think of Self-love? Is it –why should I love self, how can I love self, I cannot do that, self-love is not important, I love my self-less, how to love more, what will I gain from it .. or any other thought which stops our thinking in going further towards loving self … I would request you to please let go of these thoughts and see from a point of view that what I can benefit from this post – which will ensure a positive state of learning with understanding.
Self-love is the most vital emotion needed by Human being in order to live and Grow with Harmony, it clears all the blockages which inhibit our Growth and Success. When an individual has low Self-love, he/she will experience not so healthy relationships, moderate performance in career, low self-belief, low sense of achievement and low success ratio in whichever domain he/she interacts. Not Loving self is like being resistive to claim what is yours.