Palampur, Himachal Pradesh
A Life Changing Private Retreat
If you have made up your mind to create that most desired shift in your life NOW, then this 30 Day program will be exactly for you. The intensity and focus at which Master of Awareness Teamwork rapidly brings many positive changes in one’s life in a considerably shorter span of time. As much as one’s commitment to take charge of life, that many benefits one can reap. If you have the will, we know the way..!
30 days of retreat, we will deliver you the best yoga, meditation, and complete wellness to your body, mind, and emotions in their full depth and dimension. It is Master of Awareness vision to offer this ancient science in all its purity and make it available to every individual. As a step towards realizing this vision, you will have a living experience in the beautiful nature blessed setting of the Center, Palampur – Himachal Pradesh, India.
And you will find your own inner transformation which leads you to feel healthier, happier, and more relaxed. We want to make sure you have everything you need to continue having a successful, meaningful & abundant life ahead with complete understanding.

Learn from the Master
Ananta, Founder
Meditation Facilitator, Relationship Coach, Life Coach, Yoga Therapist & Healer
What problems can we solve by this retreat?
We work with all the age groups and it really doesn’t matter what challenges are you facing, we will support you. The key to any support we provide with powerful transformations & understanding is that you have to be open-minded and willing for change. We have supported so many people to move higher and now leading happy meaningful lives.
Our approach is very simple yet extremely Powerfully Effective in how we support others. There isn’t anything that cannot be solved. We support so many people suffering with: Any (Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual areas) like
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Phobias
- Grief
- Lack of self-love
- Chronic illness
- Fear
- Doubt
- Insecurities
- Low Self Confidence
- Childhood issues
- Relationship challenges
- Career challenges
- Guilt
- Self – Blame
- Regret
- Shame
- Loneliness
- Low Self Confidence
- Attachment
- Past traumas
- Ego (Holding lots of images)
(Release & Relief )
Our Yoga brings the balance of the body through traditional ways kriyas, loosening, Surya Namaskar & Yoga Asanas that makes a person physically fit & healthy. Yoga activates various endocrine glands & systems in our body which in turn makes the body strong and disease-free. In our day-to-day life, we face quite a number of challenges in our personal life, workplace & social circle. We often find solutions to these challenges and sometimes we don’t have one! In this process, our mind & body undergo undue stress which results in mental and physical illness.
- 14 sessions of Therapeutic yoga or Kriya yoga for Deep Cleansing the body
(Includes yoga therapy for Back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, Diabetes, Obesity, Anxiety, Stress, Heart disease, Hypertension, Depression, and many more Psychosomatic diseases). - Personal Time for Nature Walks and explorations and Sitting near the river, and nature blessed forests
- + 29 nights of Accommodation & Food (Breakfast, lunch & dinner) if you are choosing the residential program.
- + Visiting the temple, hiking, & waterfall.
14 sessions of BreathWork techniques :
Connection to Body & Mind
- Bhastrika,
- Kapalbhathi
- Re-energised Breathing (full yogic breathing)
- Pranayama
- Cooling Pranayama
- Conscious Aware of Breathing (Relaxing in your Kundalini Energy)
- Shamanic Breathing (for releasing the holding or stuck energy)
14 MEDITATION sessions
(Connection + Coming back to your inner self)
A sound body helps the mind to take a pause and look deep within self, which is – An opportunity to declutter the mind through meditation & pranayam, A platform for the mind to seek awareness.
- Kundalini meditation
- Nadabrama meditation
- Self-inquiry meditation
- Old Tibetan Lions Roar
- Atisha Heart Meditation
- Chakra Sound Meditation
- Dance or Natraj meditation
- Laughter Meditation
- Gibberish Meditation
- Re-energized Chakra breathing meditation
- Nadanusadan Mantra Sound Meditation (AAA – UUU – MMM – AUM)
Buddhi/ Pragya
14 Sessions of Intensive LEARNING to be more SELF AWARE. (mind & emotions).
- 10 Sessions of OIAC (One-On-One Intensive Aware Counselling Session).
- 5-7 Sessions of Divine energy or Reiki healing work.
- 1 or 2 sessions of learning & use EBRR (emotional body release & refresh).
- 1 or 2 sessions of learning & use BPSC (Body power source cleansing-Hara Massage).
Key Benefits Experience
- Self-awareness
- Improves self-esteem, self-confidence and social skills
- Logical and powerful way to manage your thoughts
- Identification of our priorities
- Acceptance of who we are – self-love
- Supports you to be stronger and understand yourself and others better
- Taking charge of any life challenges with logical and mindful thinking
- Enables people to take charge of their emotions
- Realise your self-worth
- To lead a life not just live it
- Better decision making in personal or work life
- SELF-INQUIRY – Deepening the Space of Being
- THE MYSTERY – Know Your REAL POTENTIAL A musical Shamanic breathing Journey guided into the unknown: “From FORM to FORMLESS”
- HEART & ATISHA MEDITATION – Expand your Heart to the Limitless Sky and Heal through Love
- COMMUNICATION / SENSING – Learning to Sense, Feel, and Communicate consciously, also without words, through listening and recognition of inner space.
- BELLY or Hara Healing – Embodied Connection & Breathwork
- CONNECTING to Nature and our true infinite self
- INTEGRATION – How to bring this quality of being into day-to-day life.
Key Focus
Educate your body, mind & Emotions.
LEAD Your Life to become Master of Your Body, Mind, Emotions & Feelings.
Experience the Powerful yet simple Aware Meditation Practices to connect the original source of your true divine INFINITE Nature
Heal the INNER Child completely Learn & Understand (Cause & effect)
Break Free from your OLD Patterns, Conditioned Beliefs, Habits, Addictions & Daily routine.
Empowered your Relationships with Self / Partner / Lover / Parents / Children.
Make Your body more strong than ever through our specialised yoga Experts which bring more strengthening & energy to your body system.
Experience the power of Laughter with powerful techniques to Understand & Eliminate the Anxiety from Your Life.
Learn to set yourself free from any Obligatory, Compulsive or Toxic Relationship affecting you
- Experience Powerful yet Simple Aware Meditation Practices
- Lose Excess Weight, naturally & permanently
- Ways to create & experience the complete Wellbeing
- Buddhist & TANTRIC – Practices, Meditations & Rituals
- Breathe Fire into your Energy System with Ancient Tibetan Breathing Techniques the Lions Roar
- Experience The Power of Laughter with Powerful Meditation Techniques
Understand & Eliminate Anxiety from Life - LIFEFORCE & Divine Energy – Activate, Ground, Circulate, Expand & Sync with yourself and with a partner.
- INTEGRATION – How to bring this quality of being into day-to-day life.
- SELF-INQUIRY – Deepening the Space of Being
- THE MYSTERY – Know Your REAL POTENTIAL A musical Shamanic breathing Journey guided into the unknown: “From FORM to FORMLESS”
- HEART & ATISHA MEDITATION – Expand your Heart to the Limitless Sky and Heal through Love
- TOUCH WITH EMPTINESS – Soul Connection through the Art of Sacred Touch
- COMMUNICATION / SENSING – Learning to Sense, Feel and Communicate consciously, also without words, through listening and recognition of inner space.
- BELLY or Hara Healing – Embodied Connection & Breathwork
- COMMUNITY – Immersing yourself in a conscious potent field as key for healing and transformation.
- CONNECTING to Nature and our true infinite self
- 15 sessions of Therapeutic yoga or Kriya yoga
- 14 MEDITATION sessions
- 10 sessions of Breath Work techniques
- 10 Sessions of Intensive LEARNING to be more SELF AWARE
- 5 Session of OIAC (One-On-One Intensive Aware Counselling Session)
- 5-7 Sessions of Divine energy healing work
- 1 or 2 sessions of learning and use EBRR (emotional body release and refresh)
1 session of learning and use BPSC (Body power source cleansing-Hara Massage).
- 29 nights of Accommodation & Food (Breakfast, lunch & dinner) if you are choosing the residential program
Things that you have to take care
- Flight Ticket
- Airport taxi
- Visa
- Insurance
- Transportation
The retreat offers a full program of activities
Starting at 7.00 am and finishing between 8.30 pm or 9 pm (depending upon the activity). It is compulsory to attend all the activities.
The activities on each day of the week vary, depending on the day, however, there is something in each slot for you to choose to participate in. There is one class of yoga/meditation each day – either it can be in the morning or in before lunch. The start time varies. You will be given a 7-day program of activities when you arrive at the retreat.
06:00 Personal activity / optional walk
07:00 Therapeutic yoga or Kriya yoga ( Deep Cleansing the body )
08:30 Breakfast buffet
10:00 60 minutes : Meditation / Activity
11:15 Bodywork (healing sessions / spa / Free time )
12:00 60 minutes: Pranayama
13:00 Vegetarian lunch buffet
14:00 Free time
16:00 Meditation / Activity
17:00 Tea break
18:00 Intensive learning to be more self-aware / Yoga Nidra
19:00 Vegetarian dinner buffet
20:00 Ask question & answer / open house
21:30 Rest time
Your investment: An Open Mind + your experience fee
Our vision: The Aware YOU.
Residential Workshop – 30 Day
Residential Course Fee (USD/INR):
Guesthouse Single occupancy private washroom –
$ 12000 / INR 9,99,999
Guesthouse Double occupancy private washroom –
$ 9700 / INR 7,99,999 (Only for couples)
Limited Seats Please book in advance
Contact: +918894100666/ +919823637054
How to make booking?
Contact our team for any enquiry about booking.
Email: info@masterofawareness.com
Call / WhatsApp : (+91) 8263872515, 8894100666
Do i have to make full payment before for booking?
You can make booking by depositing 30% of total retreat amount or you can make full payment in advance.
Do you provide pick up from airport?
We do not provide airport pick up but if you request we can make arrangement and you will be charged accordingly.